The Tewksbury Land Trust is thrilled to have received this year’s Land Trust Alliance Award for Volunteer Excellence. It validates the teamwork and partnerships required to make the Ten Mile Trail successful. Preserving land, acquiring easements, and building trails that connect preserves would not be possible without our partners in preservation. They include the Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, Raritan Headwaters Association, New Jersey DEP Green Acres Program and Highlands Council, and adjacent landowners. They, our board members, and our auxiliary Ted Koven Council members collaborate closely and tirelessly. It speaks volumes about the love for the land they share with our energetic volunteers.
We would also like to thank some key players in the Ten Mile Trail initiative. First, the project wouldn’t have been possible without the vision and preservation savvy of our founder and past president, Ken Klipstein. Second, Beth Davisson, whom we subcontract from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, is skilled in the detailed requirements of land preservation that any accredited land trust needs to follow. In addition, she is gifted with the ability to find ways around perceived roadblocks. Third, Kristin Winters, whom we subcontract from the Hunterdon Land Trust, is an intrepid steward who helps us manage and monitor all our properties. Finally, many neighbors have played crucial partners in this project, from the Dinner Pot homeowners who gave us easements to Elise Gerardo, who opened up an old trail across her property to provide an essential link in the network. A special shoutout, too, to the Township’s Environmental Commission, which nominated us for this prestigious award. We thank them all, and of course, each and every contributor.
In honor of the occasion, The Land Trust Alliance sent a videographer to Tewksbury to make a video about TLT and the Ten Mile Trail. The video was broadcast to over 1,000 preservationists who attended the 2021 Land Trust Alliance Rally virtually. You can see the video below.
Thank you again for your support and for making this national accolade possible.